Hello, so glad you’re here

Welcome to Art Haus! If this were a physical space, I would ask you to take a seat, get comfy and and bring you a hot cup of coffee.

I am an illustrator and visionary brand designer located in the Atlanta, Georgia area. I believe in the power of human, hand-made art for the digital space in an increasingly artificial world. I love working in collaboration with my clients to offer one of a kind, personal and meaningful work.

I have collaborated with national brands like The Bunny Hive, The Daily Pilates, Mushie, Deeps and Beer Nuts Brand Snacks as well as many creative small businesses all over the country.

I live in a quiet suburb of Atlanta with my three beautiful children. When I’m not drawing or designing, I am likely snuggling with my kids or cooking something from scratch that they probably wont eat. I love listening to Chet Baker, cooking with Ina Garten, treasure hunting, watching movies from the 90’s and spending time with friends and family.